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Use case

Update a number field with the difference in days between two dates obtained from two Date Picker fields.


Create a Number custom field

Name: Time Difference

Add it to the screens of your choice.


Add the post function Update fields to the transition of your choice.

Target issue*

Select current issue



Select Time Difference, the field previously created


Select Set field value manually (parser expression) and enter the following expression with the expression editor in Jira expression mode:

((new Date(issue?.customfield_10043  + "T00:00:00").getTime() - new Date(issue?.customfield_10040 + "T00:00:00").getTime())) / 1000 / 60 / 60 /24

Replace the field codes of the expression with the ones of your Date Picker fields.

With the current configuration, this expression will return the number of days between the first date and the second one. In order to display the number of hours, remove /24 from the expression.

If you prefer to use our parsing mode, you can set the expression editor to General mode and create an expression as follows:

%{({issue.cf10001}-{issue.cf10002})/1000 /60 /60 /24}

Do not forget to surround the operation with an additional %{}

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.