On this page
Use case
Get the contact information about the reporter of the issue from your Hubspot account and copy it into a Text Field (multi-line).
In Expert mode, create a new action with the following parameters:
Enter Get Hubspot contact information as the name of the new action.
Select the POST method.
Default connection
Select the connection with Hubspot.
REST path.
Use the following REST path.
Action body
Enter an action body like the following one.
This action body requests the company, address, city, phone number, mobile phone number and email from the Hubspot contact information of the reporter but it can be modified to satisfy your requirements.
{ "filterGroups": [ { "filters": [ { "values": [ "emailmaria@hubspot.com", "%{issue.reporter.email}" ], "propertyName": "email", "operator": "IN" } ] } ], "properties": [ "company", "address", "city", "phone", "mobilephone", "email" ], "limit": "10", "after": "1" }
Update issue fields
Update a Text Field (multi-line).
Select the option Set field value manually (parser expression).
Enter the following expression with the expression editor in Advanced text mode.
"*Contact information*" + "\n"+ "\n" + (%{action.response.results[].properties[].company} != "" ? "|*Company*|" + %{action.response.results[].properties[].company} + "|" + "\n" : "") + (%{action.response.results[].properties[].address} != "" ? "|*Address*|" + %{action.response.results[].properties[].address} + "|" + "\n" : "") + (%{action.response.results[].properties[].city} != "" ? "|*City*|" + %{action.response.results[].properties[].city} + "|" + "\n" : "") + (%{action.response.results[].properties[].phone} != "" ? "|*Telephone number*|" + %{action.response.results[].properties[].phone} + "|" + "\n" : "") + (%{action.response.results[].properties[].mobilephone} != "" ? "|*Mobile*|" + %{action.response.results[].properties[].mobilephone} + "|" + "\n" : "") + (%{action.response.results[].properties[].email} != "" ? "|*Email*|" + %{action.response.results[].properties[].email} + "|" + "\n" : "")
If the action body was edited, this expression should also be adjusted to the new request.
Related use cases
If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.