On this page

Use case

Copy every new comment added to the parent issue to its sub-tasks.


Create a new rule and name it appropriately.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the rule does but this step is optional.

 Issue event

Add a Trigger

Select Issue event and Issue commented

Boolean condition

Add a condition

Select Boolean condition


Add the following expression to the boolean condition.

%{issue.project.key} = "CASE" and %{issue.issueType} ="Task"

This boolean condition will restrict the range of the automation rule to the desired issues. In this use case we restrict it to the issues in the project CASE with the issue type Task.

Issue selector

Add a selector

Select Issue selector

Target issue(s)

Select Sub-tasks

  Add comment action

Add an action

Select the action Add comment

Comment text

Write the following expression.


Import the example

Import the JSON file below to get started in no time.


After importing the JSON file, make sure to check the configuration of the rule. Non-existing configuration elements (issue types, fields, values etc.) will be highlighted.

"name": "Copy the parent issue comments to its sub-tasks",
"description": "Copy every new comment added to the parent issue to its sub-tasks.",
"creator": "admin",
"status": false,
"triggerData": "6",
"triggerType": "ISSUE_EVENT",
"configuration": {
"refs": [
"triggerType": "6"
"children": [
"sequence": 0,
"ruleEntityType": "CONDITION",
"configuration": {
"refs": [
"expression": "%{issue.project.key} = \"CASE\" and %{issue.issueType} =\"Task\"",
"expressionParsingMode": "logical",
"actingUser": "field_00020"
"children": [
"sequence": 0,
"ruleEntityType": "SELECTOR",
"configuration": {
"refs": [
"option": "subtasks",
"issueListExpressionParsingMode": "issues",
"actingUser": "field_00020"
"children": [
"sequence": 0,
"type": "ADD_COMMENT",
"ruleEntityType": "ACTION",
"configuration": {
"refs": [
"comment": "%{trigger.issue.lastComment}",
"commentParsingMode": "textBasic",
"actingUser": "field_00020",
"commentVisibility": "everybody",
"sendMail": "true"
"children": null,
"hasChildren": false
"hasChildren": true
"hasChildren": true
"hasChildren": true

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.