On this page

Use case

Create automatically a sub-task for each selected user in a User Picker (multiple users) field of the transitioned issue.

Configuration steps

Configure the type and amount of issues to be created.


Choose Multiple issues based on a text list.


issue?.customfield_10001?.map(u => u.accountId)

with parsing mode set to Jira Expression.

Please, replace this code snippet with the appropriate field code for the User Picker custom field.

The number of elements in the list defines the number of issues to be created.

Issue type*

Choose Selected issue type.

Specific issue type

Choose Sub-task.

Parent issue*

Choose Current issue.

Configure the fields of the issues to be created.


Enter the following expression 

Sub-task for %{jiraExpression("new User(\"" + %{seed.text} + "\").displayName")}

with parsing mode set to General.


To enrich the issue with further information, you might want to add a short description.


In order to assign each issue to a different member of the User Picker custom field, use the following expression


with the parsing mode set to General.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.