Use case

We want to implement an automatic transition for parent issues. Once all subtasks are completed, the system should automatically move the parent issue to Done.

Configuration steps

Transition of the parent issue to the status Done

To transition the parent issue we utilize the Transition issue post function. As a Target issue we choose Parent of current issue. We select Transition to status as the Mode*, and the status to be transitioned to is Done.

Ensure transition only when subtasks are done

To ensure the condition is correct we configure an additional Conditional execution*. We use the filterByStatus() function to compare the subtasks of a parent issue with those that have been completed. The subtasks(%{parent.key}) function retrieves all subtasks linked to the parent issue. Using the filterByStatus() function, we narrow this list to include only those subtasks with the status Done. By comparing the filtered list with the full list of subtasks, the system verifies whether every subtask has been completed.

Conditional execution* -> Mode -> Logical
filterByStatus(subtasks(%{parent.key}), "Done") = subtasks(%{parent.key})

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