On this page

Use case

When an issue is raised with a"Blocker" priority, a transition escalating the issue will be executed immediately after its creation.

Configuration steps

Target issue*

Select Current issue.

The current issue will be transitioned.


Select Execute transition and Escalate an issue as the transition.

Escalate an issue transition (i.e ID = 61) will be executed on the current issue.

The transition must exist.

Delayed execution*

Set it to 500.

Executing the post function will be delayed by 500 milliseconds.

Run as*

Choose which user* will be able to execute the post function. By default, it is set to the Current user.

The user must have all necessary permissions to execute the transition.

Conditional execution

Insert the following expression:

%{issue.priority} = "Blocker"

The transition will only be executed if the priority of the current issue is set to "Blocker".

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.