On this page

Use case

Validate that an issue has specific files attached.

In this use case, we want to validate that our issue has the following files attached:

  • At least one .jar file
  • At most five .txt files
  • Exactly one .xml file
  • At least three images (any format).


Add the Logical validator to the desired workflow transition.


Add the following expression:

matches(%{issue.attachments.details}, "(.*application/java-archive.*){1,}") AND matches(%{issue.attachments.details}, "(.*text/plain.*){0,5}") AND matches(%{issue.attachments.details}, "(.*text/xml.*){1}") AND matches(%{issue.attachments.details}, "(.*image/.*){3,}")

Expression in detail:

At least 1 .jar file
matches(%{issue.attachments.details}, "(.*application/java-archive.*){1,}")
At most 5 .txt files
matches(%{issue.attachments.details}, "(.*text/plain.*){0,5}")
Exactly 1 XML file
matches(%{issue.attachments.details}, "(.*text/xml.*){1}")
At least 3 images
matches(%{issue.attachments.details}, "(.*image/.*){3,}")


Related use cases

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