On this page

Use case

When keeping track of issues to be done, it is helpful to add a reminder to them. Here we are going to use a custom date-time field called "Reminder". Every morning at 01:00 am, the following rule checks for issues that have reached the re-submission date and will re-transition them to OPEN

Scheduled trigger

Create a new rule and name it appropriately.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the rule does but this step is optional.

Add a Trigger → Scheduled and choose who you want to execute this rule in Run as*


Choose Daily


Set to Once per day at 1:00 am

JQL selector

Add SelectorJQL Selector

JQL Query

Use the following Expression:

nnnnn = startOfDay()

nnnnn has to be the name of the custom date field, like "Reminder" or "duedate".

Transition issue action

Next to JQL Selector click on AddActionTransition Issue


Choose Transition to status


Choose Open

The target status has to be reachable from the current status, otherwise, the action will not be executed.

Enable the rule by clicking on the Enable button → 


This is how the configuration above should look on your screen

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Import the example

Import the JSON file below to get started in no time.


After importing the JSON file, make sure to check the configuration of the rule. Non-existing configuration elements (issue types, fields, values etc.) will be highlighted.

    "name": "Schedule issue for re-submission",
    "description": "",
    "creator": "admin",
    "status": false,
    "triggerData": "",
    "triggerType": "SCHEDULED",
    "configuration": {
        "refs": [
        "runAs": "admin",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.dailyWeeklyMonthly": "daily",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.daysOfMonthOpt": "dayOfMonth",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.monthDay": "1",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.week": "1",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.day": "1",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.interval": "0",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.runOnceHours": "1",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.runOnceMins": "0",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.runOnceMeridian": "am",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.runFromHours": "1",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.runFromMeridian": "am",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.runToHours": "1",
        "scheduledTriggerCron.runToMeridian": "am",
        "triggerType": ""
    "children": [
            "sequence": 0,
            "type": "JQL_SELECTOR",
            "ruleEntityType": "SELECTOR",
            "configuration": {
                "refs": [
                "jql": "Reminder = startOfDay()",
                "jqlParsingMode": "jql",
                "actingUser": "field_00020"
            "children": [
                    "sequence": 0,
                    "type": "TRANSITION_ISSUE",
                    "ruleEntityType": "ACTION",
                    "configuration": {
                        "refs": [
                        "option": "status",
                        "status": "10610",
                        "actingUser": "field_00020"
                    "children": null,
                    "hasChildren": false
            "hasChildren": true
    "hasChildren": true

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.