Use case

This calculated field returns the difference between the current date and the earliest due date among the issue's sub-tasks.


Create a new Calculated Number Field (by JWT) custom field and name it properly.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the custom field does but this step is optional

Parser expression

Add the following parser expression:

Math expression for Calculated number field:
min(fieldValue({issue.dueDate},subtasks())) - {system.currentDateTime}

Display format

Content type

Choose Duration

Duration display format

Choose Long

For this use case the format duration was chosen since the numeric value is being calculated, a number of milliseconds represents a time duration.

This way the value is represented like 2d 9h 43m instead of a single number.

Check the parameter Use time tracking settings

By checking this parameter, the duration will be based on the number of working hours per day, and the number of working days per week as configured in time tracking, instead of 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.

Add the field to the relevant view screens.

Remember: All calculated fields are read-only and cannot be manually updated on a create or edit screen.

Check the results

Once configured and added to an issue screen, the result will look like this:

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.