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Example 1: Creating a Jira Service Desk internal comment


There are two different ways to do it:

  1. Once created a comment (e.g., using "New comment" virtual field), you can use virtual field "Last comment's visibility restriction" for setting visibility restriction. You should write on this field value "internal" or "public" (without double quotes) for setting JSD (Jira Service Desk) comment's visibility.

  2. A more direct way to do it is simply by adding string ": {visibility=internal}" or ": {visibility=public}" at the end of your comment's body when creating a comment with "New comment" or when editing a comment with "Last comment".

This is an example of the second option:

Text to be parsed in the example is: This is an internal comment.:{visibility=internal}

And here is the resulting comment:

You can also use the name of a group or the name of a project role as value of optional parameter visibility(i.e., ": {visibility=jira-developers}" or ": {visibility=Managers}"), and the visibility will be set for entered group or project role.

Example 2: Copy transition's comment as new comment to a linked issue

What should I do if I want to copy the comment from the actual issue from Field "Transition's comment - [Text]" to the linked issue into the field "New comment - [Text]? How can I add the visibility to the role "Users"?

You can do it using Write field on linked issues or sub-tasks post-function with the following configuration:

Text to be parsed in the example is: %{00127} : {visibility=Users}

Note that

  •  %{00127} is field code for "Transition's comment".

Example 3: Conditional execution of a post-function depending on comment visibility restriction

Any way to use this in the conditional execution of a post function? if a comment is internal, send an email to someone? or verify the comment is not internal? that type of thing. Thank you.

Assuming that your condition is on comment entered in the transition, you can use boolean expressions like these:

  1. A comment has been entered in transition, and the visibility is Internal.
    %{00127} != null AND %{00130} = "Internal"

  2. A comment has been entered in transition, and the visibility is not Internal.
    %{00127} != null AND %{00130} != "Internal"

  3. A comment has been entered in transition, and the visibility is public.
    %{00127} != null AND %{00130} = "Public"

Note that %{00127} is field code for Transition's comment, and %{00130} is field code for Last comment's visibility restriction.

Other examples of that functions

Write field on linked issues or sub-tasks

Update issue fields

Add a comment

Related Usage Examples