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Example: Calculate the time elapsed between 2 transition executions

I use post-function Mathematical and date-time expression calculator for calculating time between transitions. But I don't want to log work and use field "Time Spent". I want to use custom field and get time in minutes. How can I do it, using Jira Workflow Toolbox? And second question: Is any chance to get time between transitions in pretty duration format (for example, 1d 2h ).

In order to calculate the time between the execution of 2 different transitions (let's say "Transition A" and "Transition B"), and store the obtained value in minutes into a Number custom field you can use the following solution:

  1. Create Number custom field called "Time elapsed in minutes", where we will store the value obtained.

  2. Create a Date-Time Picker custom field called "Transition A Execution Time"

  3. Insert post-function Mathematical and date-time expression calculator into transition "Transition A" (i.e., the transition executed earlier) using the following configuration:

    • Target field: Transition A Execution Time
    • Formula: {00057}

  4. Insert post-function Mathematical and date-time expression calculator into transition "Transition B" (i.e., the transition executed later) using the following configuration:

    • Target field: select Time elapsed in minutes

    • Formula: ({00057} - {aaaaa}) / {MINUTE}
      replacing aaaaa with the field code of Transition A Execution Time custom field.

Alternative Implementation

You can also represent the time duration between the 2 transition executions as a string in pretty format. To do it, also insert Copy a parsed text to a field post-function into "Transition B" with the following configuration:

  • Target field: a text custom field

  • Parsing mode: advanced

  • Text to be parsed:

    (floor(({00057} - {aaaaa}) / {DAY}) > 0 ? floor(({00057} - {aaaaa}) / {DAY}) + "d " : "") + (floor(modulus(({00057} - {aaaaa}), {DAY}) / {HOUR}) > 0 ? floor(modulus(({00057} - {aaaaa}), {DAY}) / {HOUR}) + "h " : "") + (round(modulus(({00057} - {aaaaa}), {HOUR}) / {MINUTE}) > 0 ? round(modulus(({00057} - {aaaaa}), {HOUR}) / {MINUTE}) + "m" : "")

    replacing aaaaa with the field code of Transition A Execution Time custom field

Other examples of that functions

Mathematical and date-time expression calculator

Copy a parsed text to a field

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